

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How To Love Others

I know the name of my blog is self love so why am I talking about loving others. Well if you have read my first post then you what I feel about this.

Self love is a path that we take to appreciate and love others. It is through true self love that we let go of judgements and prejudice towards others and learn to appreciate them.

Love is a feeling. Love is an attitude. Love is an action. Love is a choice. Express your love towards others by followings some tips given below
  • Enlarge your understanding. Your definition of love
    may be too narrow. Love is more than a good feeling or romance.You may say, "I love ice cream. I am in love with my companion. I love my family enough to labor every day to provide for them. I am compassionate toward hurting people, so I do my part to alleviate suffering and injustice in the world. I experience divine love and grace as I worship God."You do not need to agree with someone to act with consideration. You do not need to be attracted to someone to demonstrate a loving attitude.
  • Adjust the angle of your perspective. “It ain’t about you." Love motivates people to sacrifice for others, not expecting any personal benefit. Stop thinking selfishly. Look for the needs of others, and then do your part to meet their needs.
  • Locate the source of love. You may love something because it is a source of pleasure. You may feel devotion to someone because you enjoy his or her company. Sympathy and compassion are foundations of love toward those living in difficult circumstances. Empathy is a starting place for love, as you identify the value of other citizens of this planet. Love may start as an expression of personal gratitude for the blessings you have received and your desire to share those blessings. Faith and spiritual devotion are powerful sources of selfless love.
  • Express your love. Find words and actions of love that are appropriate. Learn to speak words of blessing rather than criticism. Share your resources with a needy person. Participate in your community of faith. Offer gifts and perform thoughtful deeds with no ulterior motivation.
  • Accept disappointment. Not everyone will return your love. This is not failure. It is not your goal to make the world love you, but for you to love the world.

As always your comments are always welcome so Happy Commenting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

love ain't just staying in someones company or being with someone and u don't need to have or be with he thing u r in love with and u don't need to express(verbally) ur love its more about showing it. and in love u need to compromise in things but compromise doesn't mean u need let go off things or give them up that is not how things can move in love