

Monday, November 5, 2007

Loving yourself is the beginning of a life long romance


Well in all honesty I am starting this blog as a part requirement of a college course. However, the topic that I will be discussing in this blog comes straight from the heart.

I have always been of the opinion that

and therefore I have no qualms in admitting that I am a hopeless romantic.

Now some of you reading this are going to confuse self-love with selfishness. Now they are very different because self-love is a genuine caring for ourselves, whereas selfishness is a morbid preoccupation with ourselves. Those people who are selfish can't seem to find joy or happiness in someone else's blessing or growth. Truly selfish people not only have difficulty in loving others, but they seldom love themselves either.

Meister Eckhart puts it this way
"If you love yourself, you love everybody else as you doyourself. As long as you
love another person less than you love yourself, youwill not truly succeed in
loving yourself, but if you love all alike, includingyourself, you will love
them as one person and the person is both God and man.Thus he is a great and
righteous person who loving himself, loves all others equally."
When we begin to love ourselves and value what we are in spite of ourselves, then we are free to like other people and treat them with loving concern.

But how do we begin to love ourselves? How do we begin to love the good as well as the ugliness that dwells within ourselves?

I leave it for you guys to explore. Please add your views and comments.


SABA said...

I have to admit these are some strong observations. But how does one love one's self without being labeled self involved? I have personally always had a tough time coping up with my personal flaws and thereby that of others.

Anonymous said...

Those are some really powerful observations and words. I do agree with your the quote you mentioned "Loving yourself is the beginning of a life long romance." In my opinion if you do not love yourself you do not have any respect for yourself and therefore will not lead a successful, fulfilled and happy life. Those that do not love themselves are also likely to lack self-esteem- that compared to no respect is a fatal and sad combination. It is not selfish to love yourself just as long as you are able to love others too at the same time.

SABA said...

loving your self does not nnecessarily mean being selfish i think .. its more to do with being confident and accepting what you are and not complaining about it..and i think its a gift from God if you are content with what you are and ur in luv with ur self:)

Navz said...

in order to gain respect one has to start loving oneself anfd be selfish abt it and then giv time to others.

if u dont hav the energy to love urself and appreciate ur own life then u dont hav the energy to lov esumone else also ...

if u call it selfishness then dam right it is because if i cant apprciate my ownself then who will??

Unknown said...

Why is it so wrong to love yourself first and then love others? I totally agree with the statement "Loving yourself is the beginning of a life long romance". If one does not do that, then how can you love others. Not loving yourself creates jealousy, low self confidence and irritation towards others knowing that the other person is happier than you. It is very hard to build a relationship without respect and love towards the other person when one does not love who they are themselves. Until and unless you are not sure of who you are and what makes you a good person, there will always be lack of communication and selfishness in that relationship. I admit that it is hard to accept the flaws in ourselves, but it is okay to believe that no one is perfect and that people can love you for the way you are without changing a thing.

Sana I. Ahmed a.k.a SIA said...

hey guys gr8 feedback!!!

Keep the comments rolling

Unknown said...

first what kind of courses r being offered in IBA,
self-love..i call it taking caring of urself everyone needs to take care of himself and it is after doing that he/she comes to realize what things in life matter most to a person and it is then that one can extend that care to others and selfishness that comes when u r self -centered in ur choices.